Tag: faith

Religion or Relationship?

The United States is filled with people of religion, but do not have relationship.

Those with religion regularly deceive themselves. They attend churches, they give their money to good causes, they pray, they do as much good as they possibly can do, they even talk to their neighbors, and help out their friends. They believe that all these things ensure that they will have a place in heaven, but these things alone do not ensure that they have eternal life. Their message is a wide gospel, love conquers all, God is love, God wants the best for you now, and if you experience the opposite, you are in sin and in danger of hell!

If this were true, I wouldn’t be writing what I am writing this very moment. It would not weigh so heavily on my heart, because all of that sounds so good, but it’s so far from the ultimate truth.

What I am about to reveal is offensive, and I don’t care if it offends you, because if I truly love you, I will reveal truth to you.

You must have a relationship with God…

How to Increase Faith Part 7

  “A sated man loathes honey, but to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet” Proverbs 27:7 How hungry are you? How much of God do you desire? Let’s be honest with ourselves and with God. Do we go to church to please ourselves, to please man, or out of our relationship and love …

How To Increase Faith pt 4

  “Draw Near to God and He Will Draw Near to You” The first thing we must do is learn to draw near to the source of our faith. We must have a healthy and realistic view of what it means to draw near to the author of our faith. We must renew our minds, …

A Recipe for Lemonade

a jar of lemonade

A Recipe for Lemonade Or How to Survive Post Traumatic Church Syndrome I love a good glass of lemonade. The sourness of the lemon married with the syrupy sweetness of a ton of sugar and a sprig of fresh mint or lavender or a bit of strawberries for an extra layer of interest. Fill up …