Tag: Christian

Don’t Tell Me That

  Recently I overheard someone say something like this, “you know when you falsely praise someone to boost their self esteem…” I about wanted to puke when I heard this. Falsely praising someone? Why on earth would someone want to do that? I suppose the meaning behind propping someone up is to make them feel …

Failing Beautifully

Hello My Name is tag

  How to Fail Beautifully (Part 3 of Failure) Once you accept that failure is part of our existence, perfection (in the sense that one is trying to be without sin or not to sin any further by your own strength), is no longer a goal. Being mature, obtaining maturity in spiritual matters is the …

How to Pray Prayers that Work

Bible with hands folded in prayer

    Prayer is an important part of our lives as Christians, or it should be if we are not in practice of prayer. It can be difficult as a Christian if we don’t know how to pray, that we get frustrated when we don’t see our prayers get answered, or they aren’t answered the …